Mid Row Ripper Vibrosoilerâ„¢
BUILT TO LAST the patented Soilworks Vibrosoiler® incorporates our patented vibrating wing technology taking the best of winged shank ripping into the 21st century.
The Vibrosoiler® unit has been designed as a one pass machine fitted with optional ring rollers leaving a clean finish and eliminating the need for post ripping cultivation.
The Vibrosoiler® is easily adaptable with the ripping width and position of the shanks adjustable in the field allowing precision ripping tailored to row width, soil type and moisture content.
- Adjustable parabolic curved ripper with 8” vibrating winged keel
- Maximum ripping depth of 36”
- Operated by 110hp JD6000 or similar or 80HP Crawler, Yanmar/Landini
- Low hydraulic requirements - oil flow of 7 gallons (26 liters)/minute
- Adjustable shank widths to suit different soils
- 3 shank depth positions from 2ft - 3ft (600 - 900mm)
- Optional wing sizes available from 6 - 10” (150 - 250mm)
- Optional ring rollers - 2ft (500mm) wide
- Adjustable to fit various row widths
- Interchangeable wear parts available from dealer
- Optional fitting with a sub-surface drip tube installer
- Robust construction, easy to operate and low maintenance
Available in Various Width Models
- Mk III suitable for 8 - 12ft vineyard & orchard rows
- Mk III ‘Small Vine’ suitable for 5 - 7ft rows
- Mk III Orchard units available by order. Please contact us today.
Vibrosoiler® ripping enables plant roots to explore greater soil volume and allow water penetration into the soil profile, therefore increasing water availability. As a result, root aeration and drainage is improved and roots gain access to previously untapped reserves of soil nutrients increasing the crop yield potential.
SOILWORKS benefits
- Roots can explore greater soil volumes
- Increased water penetration into soil profile
- Improved root aeration and drainage
- Roots gain access to untapped reserves of soil nutrients
- Increased plant growth and vigour
- Long term improvement of soil condition
- Repairs tractor compaction and plow pan
- Improves plant performance in saline, sodic and boric soils
- Gains in Water Efficiency
- Vineyard water usage down by 30%
- Water infiltration 24” (600mm) from a rainfall event vs 4”
- (100mm) infiltration in non ripped areas
- Increase in Crop Yield
- Proven CSIRO results with 14% increase in vineyard yield
- 25% increase in yield of Chardonnay
- 20% increase in yield of Shiraz

Poor breakout with limited benefit. Requires ripping very close to vine.

The Vibrosoiler® provides 4 plus times soil breakout from that of a standard ripper with minimal root pruning and lateral breakout to within 6 - 8” of the vine. This removes tractor compaction and the plow pan and increases water and nutrient penetration into the soil profile.
The diagram below shows the soil dynamics of the Vibrosoiler® Vibrating ripper. The vertical arrow shows the vibrating direction of the ripper and the horizontal arrows indicate the direction of soil movement. ILLUSTRATIONS COURTESY OF ALF CASS, SOIL SCIENTIST, PhD