AgSoilworks Tools

Vibrosoiler Deep Ripper
5ft Deep Ripping
5ft Deep Ripping
5ft-6ft Deep Ripping

Vibrosoiler Twin Ripper
4ft Deep Ripping w/Dual Shanks

Vineyard Mounder
Bed 0-10" Tall x 18-30" Wide
Bed 0-10" Tall x 18-30" Wide

Orchard Mounder
Bed 10-20" Tall x 18-36" Wide
Bed 10-20" Tall x 18-36" Wide

Disc Mounder
Bed 20-40" Tall x 30-60" Wide
Bed 20-40" Tall x 30-60" Wide

Accurate to less than 1" Wide
Accurate to less than 1" Wide

Mid-Row Ripper
Up to 36" Depth In-Row
Up to 36" Depth In-Row

Midrow Leveler/Mounder
Flat Floor/12" With Bed Under Vine
Flat Floor/12" With Bed Under Vine