Testimonials - Woodland Vineyards
Paso Robles, CA (300 Acres)
SOILWORKS CALIFORNIA ripped 160 Acres in January 2007.
- 20% increase in yield - Syrah
- 9% increase in yield - Chardonnay
- Completely Different Vineyard
- Stratified soils
- Sandy loam over heavy clay layer
- Poor water infiltration
- Salt loading above clay layer
- Roots not entering fertile clay layer
- Low drought tolerance
- Loss of Basal leaves in late season
- Sodium Chloride toxicity
“It’s been a tough season in Paso Robles with many growers recording 20-30% less yield after severe cold damage. We employed the Vibrosoiler on 160 acres. The results were outstanding with a 9% increase in Chardonnay and a 20% increase in Syrah over last season. We will be using the Soilworks Vibrosoiler on the rest of our vineyard next season.” ~ Robert Woodland, Grower
“It’s a completely different vineyard in respect to overall vine health and balance as compared to last year.” ~ Napoleon Ruiz, Field Rep Courtside Cellars